COVID-19 Resources & Updates

*Continue to look for the evidence that is backed by science as the science is constantly changing as researchers continue to learn about this virus. 

Re-opening your gyms

Gyms have been closed longer than 3-7 days and any viable viruses on surfaces have since died off so pre-sanitation of gyms is not necessary.


No matter the product you choose, read directions for use.  What is the correct way to use the product? Does it have sit time before you wipe? Should it air dry after being sprayed on?  What is the kill time for products? (i.e. Clorox wipes have 4 min kill time- meaning that the live virus will still be on the surface if you touch the surface within that 4 mins.)

Cleaning your surfaces

  • Carpet/carpet rolls/cheer mats – vacuuming will be sufficient as these surfaces are not risky surfaces.
  • Foam pits- foam is a very porous material so you won’t find a viable virus there.  It is a good idea to limit use of foam pit to those working on specific skills and less recreational use.  Less traffic means less contact of surfaces around pits.
  • Mats/tumble tracks/trampolines- a once over with any disinfecting solution and mop will be sufficient. 
  • 1-2 cleanings of gym per day seems like best way to protect your athletes and staff


Typically kids have been shown to be asymptomatic with COVID-19, so most screening of them would not be the best use of your resources.  Parents should self-screen their home environment and if anyone in their household has symptoms (sore throat/fever starting at 99F/cough) they should not send their student to class. Communication is key.  It takes an average of 5.1 days for symptoms to appear and you are contagious before symptoms arise, so always presume people are positive and proceed as such.  Staff should self-screen and should not come to work if presenting with symptoms. 


Athletes should not wear masks will in practice.  There will be a buildup of CO2 that could cause an athlete to pass out, much like breathing too much into a paper bag.  You can have them wear a mask in areas where social distancing can’t be obtained. (ie changing rooms, bathrooms, lobby)

Coaches- it is recommended that coaches were masks if they will be spotting athletes and cannot maintain 6 foot distance.  Most importantly though, they should be using hand sanitizer between each athlete they spot. 


Set up hand sanitation stations and use them often!  All staff and athletes should wash their hands with soap and water when entering the gym.  Depending on how gym is set up, they can use hand sanitizer as they enter the facility and wash their hands prior to entering they gym portion of the facility.

*coaches who are spotting athletes should avoid wearing jewelry with stones- these are hard to remove all germs! 

Social Distancing

Limit class sizes.

Reduce number of classes per night.

Take total max occupancy as stated by fire marshal and decrease that number by 25% as a guide to lowering occupants.

Make stations minimum of 6 feet apart (hand stands, conditioning, etc) for athletes to do while waiting for their turn.  Keeps them busy and less likely to congregate with friends.


  • Remove chairs that aren’t six feet apart or section off bleachers for social distancing
  • Limit 1 parent/family member per athlete inside building
  • Alter drop off and pick up procedures- can staff wait at door with young athletes and send to waiting car/parent outside.  Encourage parents to drop off and not stay.  Encourage parents to be respectful of each other and alternate nights they view their athletes so all parents can watch but at different times.
  • Stagger start and stop times so classes don’t overlap and less congestion in lobby.

World Health Organization

Center for Disease Control and Prevention

COVID-19 updates from the United States

CDC Advice - How to Protect Yourself and Others

WHO Advice for the Public

WHO's Hand-Washing Steps

How to Set Up Zoom Meetings (Coach your athletes from home)

How to Use Microsoft Teams

How to Use Google Hangouts

True Sport

List of Banks offering help to customers impacted by the coronavirus

Learn about state unemployment benefits/insurance

Coronavirus (COVID-19): Small Business Guidance & Loan Resources

SBA Economic Disaster Loan

How to Protect Yourself and Others (CDC)

Cleaning and Disinfection for Households (CDC)

Guidelines for Mixing Bleach Soluntions for Child Care and Similar Environments

PDF - Tumbl Trak Equipment Cleaning Guidelines

Guidelines to Re-Opening: Phase One (Subject to individual State Governor's Timeline)

(PDF) USTA Financial Presentation by Oliver Mullin.

Face Mask Waiver

Mask Policies 1/19/21